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Male Breast Reduction NYC

Male Breast Reduction New York City with Dr. Cangello

A well-defined chest is one of the most sought-after physical attributes for men. While the ideal amount of definition can usually be achieved through a healthy diet and regular exercise, these efforts may prove to be unsuccessful for those with gynecomastia, or enlarged breasts in men.

This condition makes it impossible to reduce the appearance of excess tissue with diet or exercise alone. Gynecomastia can be caused by many factors, such as hormones, supplements, certain medications, marijuana usage, and weight fluctuations, but even thin men can experience symptoms. Fortunately, these cosmetic concerns can be addressed with a male breast reduction.

Surgery eliminates excess tissue and reshapes the chest for a masculine contour. Board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. David Cangello, can help you regain confidence with this transformative procedure and restore the appearance of a male physique.

Contact plastic surgeon Dr. David Cangello today at (212) 644-4416 to schedule a consultation for a male breast reduction in NYC.

Ideal Candidates for Male Breast Surgery

Men who find themselves unwilling to take their shirt off or who avoid social activities and personal relationships due to the appearance of enlarged breasts are candidates for reduction. Ideal patients should also be at least 18 years old, in good health, and at a stable weight.

In some cases, development of male breasts is the result of pectoral fat accumulation, a condition commonly caused by weight fluctuations. This is referred to as “pseudogynecomastia,” can sometimes be improved with a healthy diet and exercise. However, a true case is caused by excess glandular tissue. For these patients and those with significant pseudogynecomastia, workouts will not create the desired results; surgical reduction is the only dependable treatment.

It’s important to understand that this condition is relatively common, so there is no need to feel ashamed about seeking gynecomastia surgery in NYC. In fact, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, removal of excess breast tissue is consistently one of the most popular cosmetic procedures performed on men every year. To see the amazing results Dr. Cangello produces, view our before-and-after gallery below.

Your Consultation for Gynecomastia Surgery in NYC

Dr. Cangello understands cosmetic concerns can be a source of embarrassment for men, which is why he and his courteous staff handle your questions and concerns with the utmost privacy and respect. Your consultation will help you decide whether this procedure is right for you.

At your visit, Dr. Cangello conducts a physical examination to determine the extent of your gynecomastia. He will also help you explore your surgical options and other procedures that may complement the effects of a male breast reduction. Some men opt for liposuction of the abdomen to enhance the definition of their entire core. Whether you’d prefer to have surgery performed alone or in conjunction with another procedure, Dr. Cangello creates a custom treatment plan for you.

Get the Results You Deserve

While treatment may seem straightforward, it requires a great deal of technical skill and a keen sense of aesthetics. Men undergoing a breast reduction don’t want to look altered, but this sometimes occurs when too much tissue is removed, or when the nipples are not appropriately repositioned (as may occur in cases where skin needs to be removed, and the nipple needs to be elevated). Dr. Cangello combines artistry with surgical precision to produce the most natural-looking results possible. Guided by artistic insight, he can visualize what improvements are necessary to restore a masculine appearance to the chest without overcorrecting.

Dr. Cangello uses a combination of the most effective surgical techniques available, and he takes excellent care to sculpt the surrounding tissues so the results blend seamlessly with the patient’s natural contours. When you choose Cangello Plastic Surgery, you can look forward to feeling comfortable with your body again.

Patient Experiences

“Had male breast reduction surgery in June and I truly believe he is the best man for the job. He takes his job serious, amazing staff that are always there when you need them. Truly thankful to have Dr. Cangello do my procedure.”


Understanding Your Male Breast Reduction

Depending on the severity of your gynecomastia, one of a series of surgical options may be used to reduce the size of enlarged breasts. The severity of the condition can be categorized in multiple ways:

  • Type I: A localized protrusion of tissue that is concentrated around the areola only. This is the mildest form of the condition and may cause the nipples to look “puffy.”
  • Type II: Moderate enlargement that’s restricted directly around the areola.
  • Type III: Moderate enlargement that’s grown past the edges of the areola and excess skin.
  • Type IV: Marked enlargement with excess skin, sagging nipples, and feminization of the breast.

In some cases, liposuction alone may be sufficient to reduce chest size and achieve a masculine appearance. When liposuction only is used, usually one small (2mm incision) is made in the fold of each breast, so the resultant scar from the procedure is virtually non-existent.

In cases of moderate gynecomastia, excision of glandular tissue in addition to liposuction of the fatty tissue is necessary to achieve a flat contour. When removal of glandular tissue is required, an additional incision at the lower border of the areola and skin is made. This scar is usually hidden well and is barely visible.

In severe cases, the fatty and glandular tissue is removed, along with excess skin, and the nipple is repositioned higher on the chest wall. This results in more scarring; however, it is the only way to address cosmetic issues related to sagging and excess skin. Dr. Cangello makes each incision in areas where the scar will be the least conspicuous.

David L. Cangello, MD, FACS Plastic Surgery New York

Dr. David Cangello is one of the top board-certified plastic surgeons in all of New York City. His approach of treating plastic surgery with an artistic eye has successfully shaped his practice. Dr. Cangello cares about the result of the surgery as much as the patient does. Read more to learn why you should choose Dr. Cangello for your next procedure.

Schedule a Consultation

How Your Male Breast Reduction Will Be Performed

If liposuction is used, Dr. Cangello begins by making a tiny incision in the crease at the bottom of your breast. Next, he will insert a cannula – which is a small, hollow tube – through the incision. Once the cannula is in place, a fluid consisting of saline, lidocaine, and epinephrine is injected to maximize comfort and minimize bleeding during the procedure. This solution also loosens the fat to make it easier to remove. Dr. Cangello then suctions out the fluid and fat before closing the incision with tiny sutures.

If glandular tissue is removed, the surgery will begin with an incision similar to the one described above. The fat will then be suctioned in the same way as previously described. Following suction of the fatty tissue, an incision is made around the lower border of the areola. The excess glandular tissue is then excised.

In cases where excess skin needs to be excised, the incision will go around the border of the areola, and then it will extend downward vertically and into the crease (where the breast meets the chest wall). This technique allows for the removal of a substantial amount of skin. Additionally, the nipple-areolar complex can also be moved to a higher position and resized, if needed.

Lastly, the incision sites are closed with sutures, and dressings and a compression garment are placed on the chest. Although the scars are permanent, they are discreetly hidden and will fade over time to the point where they are nearly imperceptible.

Gynecomastia – FAQ’s

Some men have excess fatty deposits in the chest. Exercise and a healthy diet can sometimes reduce the appearance of enlarged breasts in these cases. However, you might still have exercise-resistant pockets of fat or significant skin excess (as can be the case when patients have had massive weight loss) that require surgery. For men who have gynecomastia due to excess glandular tissue, a surgical male breast reduction is the only valid form of treatment.

Dr. Cangello takes great care to minimize the size of incisions or make them in areas that are naturally concealed. The severity of your condition will determine the amount of scarring you have after surgery.

Men with Grade I gynecomastia who have very little excess skin will have either a small, 2mm scar in the breast crease (which ends up being virtually invisible) or at the most, an additional scar that goes halfway around the bottom portion of the areola. Some men can obtain a sufficient correction with liposuction alone. If this is the case, the only scar will be in the breast crease. If glandular tissue needs to be excised, then the periareolar scar is necessary as well, but both scars are very inconspicuous.

Patients with Grade III who have severe excess skin (and some Grade II patients who have a moderate amount of excess skin) will have additional scars. There will be a scar in the breast crease where the lower portion of the breast meets the chest wall and around the areola. At your consultation, Dr. Cangello will explain the amount of scarring you can expect from surgery based on your anatomy and tissue. Additionally, Dr. Cangello also offers laser treatments to minimize the appearance of scars.

Areolar size can be corrected during surgery. To perform an areolar reduction, Dr. Cangello will create an incision encircling the areola. However, since the incision is in an area that has a natural border, the scar circling the areola is highly inconspicuous.

After waking up,  you’ll see that you have a surgical dressing covering your incisions. There may also be some drains in place if the skin was excised. You will also be wearing a compression garment to reduce swelling and facilitate healing. Your chest may be tender, swollen, or bruised, but you will be prescribed pain medication to minimize any discomfort.

The drains are usually removed within a few days. Sutures are dissolvable, so they will not need to be removed. Most patients can go back to work within a few days, as long their job does not involve heavy lifting. You will need to wear your compression garment for the first month after surgery, and you can resume full activity after about six weeks.

Excessive weight gain can cause a recurrence of gynecomastia. Additionally, certain medications or substances can cause a recurrence if they are ingested or used after surgery. Otherwise, the results are virtually permanent.

Your procedure will be performed onsite at Dr. Cangello’s fully accredited operating facility, which you are more than welcome to tour during your consultation. For patients who’d prefer to have their male breast reduction in a hospital setting, Dr. Cangello also has operating privileges at Lenox Hill Hospital and Manhattan Eye, Ear, and Throat Hospital in NYC.

Call (212) 644-4416 to schedule a consultation for gynecomastia surgery in NYC. 
