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Dr. Cangello Talks About Stretch Mark Removal Procedures with

Stretch marks are red or white indented streaks that appear when skin stretches or shrinks rapidly due to weight fluctuations. For some, these sudden changes make the elastin and collagen within the skin rupture, causing stretch marks to appear. A form of scarring that usually diminishes over time, stretch marks affect many men and women… Read More »

Dr. Cangello on why a good Plastic Surgeon knows when to say no to a patient

Plastic surgery addiction is real, and has real-life consequences, as Rodrigo Alves can attest. Known as the “human Ken doll,” for his plastic-like appearance derived from years of going under the knife, Alves is now experiencing persistent health issues related to his excessive surgeries. With 72 procedures to date—totaling more than $750,000—Alves is now facing… Read More »

FDA Requests Voluntary Recall of Allergan Textured Breast Implants

As an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon in New York City, Dr. David Cangello places a high priority on the safety and well-being of his patients. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently requested a recall of certain breast implants. The implants affected in the recall are all textured implants, which comprise a small percentage… Read More »

Morning Rounds: Supplements, medical tourism, cosmetic surgery

JULY 30, 2016, 7:34 AM|CBS News contributor Dr. Tara Narula and her husband, plastic surgeon Dr. David Cangello, join “CBS This Morning: Saturday” to discuss dangerous ingredients that are found in dietary supplements sold around the country and the health risks of traveling abroad for medical care. Also, Dr. Cangello explains how patients can avoid… Read More »
